Terms Date

The terms and dates of the DIET Ph.D. program follow those of the academic year.

November 1st, beginning of the course year.

October 31st, end of the course year.

During the year, Ph.D. students enrolled in the DIET Ph.D. program shall participate to formation, laboratory and seminars, according to an individually established study plan under the guidance of a thesis supervisor and of the Academic Board (in Italian “Collegio dei docenti”) who is in charge of evaluating their activity.

At the end of the year, students enrolled in the first and second year of the Ph.D. course present their formation activity and report their research results to the Academic Board, which evaluates their activity and decides their admission to the following year.

Students enrolled in the third year conclude their formation. After the end of the third year they give their final presentation to the Academic Board, which evaluates their activity and decides their admission to the final exam.

The final exam is given to a Committee formed by at least three professors of external institutions, who ultimately determine on the assignment of the Ph.D. degree to the Ph.D. candidate.