Students from France
Students originating from French institutions may benefit from the existence of the “French-Italian University” i.e. in French “Université Franco-Italienne” and in Italian “Università Italo-Francese”. This University is commonly indicated under the acronym UIF, and offers a fantastic framework for designing your double-degree project at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and more in general for your mobility program. Funding opportunities, such as the VINCI program, can be found on the website of UIF (website is in either French or Italian).
You should also be aware of the existence of a network of French and Italian institutions that goes under the name STIC&A, standing for “Science and Technologies of Information and Communication and its Applications”. If your institution belongs to the network, then things are even more attractive for a double-degree! Check the status of your institution within the network STIC&A. You may find useful information at the STIC&A website, in particular the text files of the agreement that lists all the participating institutions, as well as procedures ruling the enrolment in a double-degree program.